Collaboration and Diversity on Display as Simmons, Arts and Culture Commission Celebrate 2024 Grant Recipients
Wide array of cultural opportunities for city residents planned with allotted funding

STAMFORD — Highlighting the extensive contributions of the city’s arts and cultural community, Mayor Caroline Simmons, and the Arts and Culture Commission awarded more than two dozen groups with funding to support their local projects benefiting residents young and old throughout the year.
On Wednesday, January 24, residents and officials gathered to celebrate the 2024 recipients of the Stamford Arts & Culture grant. With efforts ranging from visual arts and music to theater performances and community nonprofits, the grant recipients were excited to be selected and welcomed the opportunity to continue actively supporting Stamford’s vibrant arts and culture community.
“It is a pleasure to be at this ceremony sponsored by Mayor Simmons and the Arts and Culture Commission to receive this grant that we are going to use to show that we are a diverse community, that we feel welcome in this community, and also to share art and culture because that is the beauty of the city,” Ana Gallegos, president of the Ecuadorian Civic Committee of Fairfield County (ECCFC), told the Stamford Current. “We are very grateful and congratulations to all the organizations who received a grant.”
A lot of the grant funding provided will go toward offering free programming to Stamford youth, ensuring that ticket prices don’t increase, or covering expenses for events to ensure that these types of experiences are accessible to as many residents as possible. At the same, the organizations aim to further enhance the city’s already thriving arts and culture community.
“We are very excited to be giving out these awards to so many great arts and cultural organizations today,” said Aaron Miller, City of Stamford Arts & Culture Program Manager. “The diversity and the overall programs that these groups are going to be able to put on with this money will really reach so many of our youth and our residents and we’re really excited to see what these programs will be this year.”

Toward the end of last month, Stamford announced the full list of grant awardees and the amount of funding provided to each recipient. Read more on that here.
Established in 2017, according to the city’s website, the Arts and Culture Commission is “charged with stimulating, facilitating, coordinating, and cooperating with Stamford's arts and cultural organizations (as well as individual artists) for the development of the creative, performing and visual arts. It shall serve as an information center and focal point in the city for activities in the arts.”