Thanks to everyone who made the Current’s first week such a success. As a reminder, if you appreciate this local journalism and want to help ensure it continues, you can click here to pledge a future subscription.
In the meantime, consider donating to or volunteering with some of the many community organizations based in Stamford — including these ones.
Quick Notes and Friendly Reminders
Have a big event and want to spread the word? Email TSC with relevant details: organizer(s), registration, day, time, entry/ticket cost, etc.
Encourage friends, neighbors, family, and anyone else you know in Stamford to subscribe at
Follow us anywhere on social media at @stamcurrent (links).
What’s Happening in Stamford
The Stamford Current continues our first month with two more stories, one providing some cozy places to work remotely…
… and the other a look at the city’s recent arts and culture grant winners.
Thanks for reading! That’s all for now.